Precision Equipment and
System-Constructions for the International High-Tech Industry








Components and Systems for Industry and Research


The equipment pictured below is a representative portfolio of our products. The pictures are selected to illustrate the broad range of products manufactured by our company.


The geometrical variety is much more diverse than we are able to show here.

(A "double-click" will enlarge each photo to full-screen.)

001Z660 002ZH620 003DD-Blende 004-R2 005-R1
006-R19 007-R5 008-R20 009-R18 010-R14
011-R9 012-R16 013-R11 014-R21 015-R8
016-135-3547_IMG 017-135-3539_IMG 018-135-3534_IMG 019-IM000027 020-IM000025
021-135-3535_IMG 022-IMG_8210 023-R7 024-R3 025-135-3576_IMG
027-housing3 028-R12 029-R13 030-IMG_8226 032-IMG_8215
033-Bild8 034-135-3545_IMG 035-135-3569_IMG 036-IMG_8228 038-Bild9


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REINHARD FEINMECHANIK GMBH, Assar-Gabrielsson-Str.1, 63128 Dietzenbach
Fon +49 (0) 6074 / 84127-0 - Fax +49 (0) 6074 / 2020 - Mail: